Shop/Salon Insurance
If you have a shop or salon, get a quote from RAW. We specialise in small business insurance and can offer the perfect policy for you. Don’t just "fit" into a package policy, get one made for you and your exact needs.
- Cover for flood areas including previously flooded buildings.
- All covers on one policy
- Loss of income following a claim
- Select only the cover that’s right for you
- Premiums start as low as £80 including IPT and fees
If you would like a quote, please get in touch with one of our sales team on 01228 586231.
What do our customers say...
"The chaps at RAW Insurance have given us excellent service for the last two years we have been with them; friendly, painless and competitive. The three main things I would need in working with an insurance broker. Very much recommended."
Ben Turnbull - House of Malt
"Excellent prices and amazing services. We recommend RAW to everyone!"
Vicky Telford - Talking Heads